Streetwise made a Diagnostic Drone! & BMach Megatron PIC1, PIC2, PIC3, PIC4, PIC5. Man these are awesome!
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hi just wandering what you used to make beast machines megatron. That is cool
Wow! What a blast from the past. This is Ty (aka 'Streetwise' back in the day) I was just showing my GF some stuff I had made in the past and was google searching Diagnostic Drone to show her a comparison picture. Wouldn't you know the first thing to show up in Google Images was this and I find a link to this page. Glad to see people are still diggin it over 10 years later. I built it using just scraps of wood and a Beast Wars Dragon Megatron. The wings/cloak are actually old Crazy Carpet material that i painted. The diagnostic drone is all from scratch (just bits of wood, wire, a half plastic ball, etc). Haven't built anything in a long time but still collecting. Hmmmm, maybe i should get back into kitbashing....
Streetwise's Diagnostic Drone and Beast Machines Megatron (PIC1-5) images are impressive, with innovative designs and detailed pictures making this post a must-see for fans. truck accidents lawyer
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